Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Barking Babies, Puppies for Sale | Puppy Mills | Huntington, West Hills, NY | Barking Babies Grooming | Huntington



Before shopping here and to find out everything you need to know about Barking Babies in Huntington, NY. Also known as Bow Wow Babies, check out these two links.

Barking Babies | Bow Wow Babies | Huntington, West Hills, NY
See below for Online Reviews.

Where does Barking Babies Puppies really come from?

Below are pictures from one of their breeders, as well as pictures of the USDA report showing Barking Babies in Huntington, NY, purchasing from this "breeder."                  
 Links for below pictures and reports are available:  Here and Here 
"What people don't realize is, at New York pet stores they tell people they are using local breeders, which seems to make a buyer feel they are not supporting a puppy mill," said Michelle Gorta, director of the Canine Sanctuary in Mountainville, "but they still are. I hope this law does bring about some change. Here's hoping this makes a dent in the abuse."

Click here for full article as well as information about Governor Andrew Cuomo's new law Banning Puppy Mills and Sale of Puppy Mill Puppies in New York pet store.

If you shop at a business that sells pet supplies, dog foods, grooming services, dog training as well as puppies - YOU ARE SUPPORTING SOMEONE WHO SUPPORTS PUPPY MILLS!